What users of our driving school software are saying

I canceled and rescheduled classes for the schools that had been closed today in five minutes from my couch this morning. I loved it. It would have taken me a few hours to do that (in the other software). Emails are already sent as well. I don't know what to do with myself now on snow days! lol

  ~Maribeth Wormsbacher, Owner
Michigan Driving Schools
Roseville, MI

My experience with Drivers Ed Solutions is one of productivity and profitability. The software has freed me up from administrative tasks, allowing me to focus on growing my business. Drivers Ed Solutions provides excellent training videos and their staff has always been accessible if we need help. Maria provides insightful direction when we seek her counsel in regard to running or marketing our driving school.

  ~Bradley Bixler
Shield Driving School
Harrisburg, PA

Implementing Driver Ed Solutions has changed our business and all for the better! What used to take us hours of manpower now takes us minutes simply by the touch of a few buttons. Our customers love having the ability to schedule online and easy access to their child's progress. DES has been a delight to work with over the years. I sleep peacefully and rise without worry because they have me covered and truly care! 

  ~Stacia Bissell, Owner
Right Way Driver Ed
Cedar Rapids, IA

South Summit School District has been using Drivers Ed Solutions for the past year, and it's been spectacular! It's made scheduling our students easy with little confusion. Students are made aware of their upcoming scheduled dates and can be blocked if they develop a habit of not showing (I love that little additional feature, for sure!). Maria Herbert (the director of DES) is fabulous! She's prompt in her response time and will help you navigate through any new or vague areas of the program. This is hands down the best system for scheduling student drivers on the market!

  ~Ryan McArthur, Lead Instructor
South Summit High School
Kamas, UT

Just a quick note to let you know how happy Maria and I are from this great relationship and all the excellent work you have all done for us. We are very proud on how you have capture our branding vision with great creativity and professional excellence. Please share our heartfelt thanks with all your staff who have helped in the process.

  ~Atilano Cordero Torres, President
Blue Apple Driving Academy
Puerto Rico

Hats off to DES for optimizing my front office, back office, and internet presence in one place. Their continued commitment to customer service, training, and innovation keeps us moving forward with ease.

  ~Lisa Lusby, Owner
Wilco Driving School
Wico, TX